Have you ever wondered what the best way of lifting boxes is without hurting your back? Well, we have the answer. Here at Borgas, we take pride in ensuring the safety of our customers, not only when we are on the job, but when you are preparing for a move.
Boxes can be hard to manipulate, especially when they come in all different sizes and weights, some of which are beyond one’s capabilities.
The following six tips educate the best way to lift boxes when preparing for us to transport your furniture to your final destination:
1. Plant your feet shoulder width apart
2. Get a strong grip on either side of the box with your full hand (not just your fingers)
3. Keep the box close to your body
4. Bend your knees with a straight back (squat position)
5. Lift into an upper position
6. Do steps 1-4 in reverse order when placing the box down
By following these steps, you can ensure that packing up to move with us, either locally, rurally or interstate, will be efficient and most importantly, safe.